Harrogate District has 12 Parks and Gardens (on the Register compiled by English Heritage) including Hackfall.
Hackfall Conservation area was first designated in April 1993. It falls within the larger Nidderdale Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and has additional development controls over and above the general ones which apply to Nidderdale ANOB. It is a conservation area as defined by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ie it is an area of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.
There is a detailed policy document here
In this document it sets out the following broad objectives:
1. To restore or consolidated (as appropriate) the listed buildings and other architectural or landscape features of Hackfall in order to extend their lifespan.
2. To research and, as far as is compatible with its status as an SSSI, to restore the views and vistas to, form and between natural and architectural features as laid out in the early 18th entury.
3. To restore footpaths to facilitate public access and enjoyment of Hackfall, as long as this does not damage the architectural, historic or nature conservation interest of the site.
4. If the opportunity presents itself, to provide modest interpretative facilities to assist visitors appreciation and understanding of Hackfall.
There is a fact sheet on the “Ure Corridor” here